Unlock unstet potential and reduce energy costs of your buiding






Benefits of Oxoia RECOMMEND

Oxoia connects various internal systems in your building, brings together all the key data, localizes potential savings with the help of AI software and transmits them to the building operator. In this way, energy costs and CO2 emissions can be reduced overall. It also creates a wide range of added value.

Localization of savings potential based on data

Localization of savings potential based on data and AI software

Daily analysis and searching for savings potential

Daily analysis and searching for savings potential

Individual recommendations of measurements for your building

Individual recommendations of measurements for your building

Automated verification of the results of implemented measures

Automated verification of the results of implemented measures

Overview of the operation of all systems and zones usages

Overview of the operation of all systems and zones usages

Immediate notification in case of significant operational variations

Immediate notification in case of significant operational variations

Suitable for old and new buildings

Suitable for old and new buildings with low and high levels of digitalization

API interfaces for data import and export

API interfaces for data import and export

Monitoring of one or several buildings

Monitoring of one or several buildings

Use Cases

Examples of problems Oxoia can solve

The ventilation system is in operation while there is no room use or pending.

The ventilation system is in operation while there is no room use or pending. The ventilation system acts independently.

The operation of heating and ventilation / cooling is not coordinated.

The building is heated while it is cooled at the same time. The operation of heating and ventilation/cooling is not coordinated.

Static thermostats set the energy consumption in rooms

Static thermostats set the energy consumption in rooms, but are often not matched with the effective room usage.

No connection of the operation of smart thermostats with ventilation and cooling.

No connection and no consideration of the operation of smart thermostats in connection with ventilation and cooling.

An ideal TARGET temperature can be derived from the various dependencies.

An ideal TARGET temperature can be derived from the various dependencies.

Open window increases the energy consumption of a building.

Open window increases the energy consumption of a building and is a risk for break-in.

No person should be in the building or premises.

Outside regular hours, no person should be in the building or premises.

More examples to save energy on demand.

More examples on demand. We look forward to meeting you.

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