myFacility becomes Oxoia

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The cleantech myFacility is rebranding and now called Oxoia AG. In the market, he said, misunderstandings occasionally arose among prospective customers during initial contacts. They interpreted that the startup offers facility management services. Furthermore, it was not possible to protect the name myFacility in Switzerland. Neither “my” nor “Facility” are words that can be acquired as intellectual property. As an additional reason, the language of the name was pointed out. As a brand, it was not ideal for customer acquisition and retention in other language regions. In sum, this would have led them to look for a new name and rebrand the company. At the same time, a new corporate identity and website were developed.

Oxoia helps building owners minimize energy costs over time and across the whole. In doing so, it developed a plug-and-play solution that can be connected to all relevant operational systems in non-residential buildings (old and new). The data of the installations and usage in the rooms, zones and the building are transferred to a standardized data model of Oxoia. This enables central monitoring of the systems and optimization of the interaction of all systems by means of artificial intelligence, thus minimizing the overall energy costs.
